Know how to lose weight without exercise and a strict diet.

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Bad lifestyles, sitting work in the office, and eating too much oily food are the reasons for weight gain.

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Increasing weight can cause diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.

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To lose weight, people follow exercise and diet plans. But not everyone gets results from these either.

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In such a situation, we are going to tell you some things that can reduce your weight.

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To lose weight, you can do household chores, which will reduce your weight, and your work will also get done.

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Washing clothes gives exercise to the whole body, improves blood circulation, and reduces weight.

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You can use a broom to burn belly fat; it burns calories, which helps you reduce weight.

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Mopping will give the body good exercise and burn calories.

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By cooking while standing in the kitchen, you can burn extra fat, which will help in your weight loss journey.

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